Create your own Songs with Songer AI

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Post by JK-K @ deutsch

create your own song now
Yesterday, through an ad on Facebook, I became aware of the relatively new AI “Songer1, which makes it quite easy to create songs. Real “songs”, i.e. sung songs in astonishingly good quality. Of course, you also get the lyrics for the songs. You can enter a (unfortunately very short) prompt, then select a style and off you go. But enough of the many words, here is an example of the first song that I had the AI ​​create.
My prompt:

Song Title: “Sunny Vibes” Vibe: The song opens with a smooth, laid-back rhythm, driven by a groovy one-drop beat. The bass line is deep and steady, addin…

Unfortunately, the prompt was cut off here because only 153 characters are possible when entering - my prompt was actually much longer.

The result was all the more surprising. So surprising that I immediately paid $9,90 - because I really wanted to hear the whole song and not just the first 30 seconds (for $9.99 you can download 3 songs and use them both privately and commercially - more info about prices below).

“Sunny Vibes”, a Reggae Song

Open the door feel the breeze in my hair
Summer’s callin’ got no worries no cares
Sun is shinin’ light is everywhere
Life is easy love is in the air

Ocean waves they dance upon the shore
No need for rushin’ leave our troubles at the door
Through the palm trees hear the music score
Catch the rhythm let your spirit soar

Sunny vibes we ride em all day long
Life is simple when the heart is strong
Feel the peace the unity in song
Catch the rhythm let your spirit soar

Sunny vibes we ride em all day long
Life is simple when the heart is strong
Feel the peace the unity in song
Sunny vibes they carry us along

On the streets people walk hand in hand
Unity is strong across this land
In the sunshine we will make our stand
Spread the love together we will band

In the night we gather under stars
Lessons learned we’ve come so far
Reggae rhythm heals all the scars
With the music lightin’ who we are

Sunny vibes we ride em all day long
Life is simple when the heart is strong
Feel the peace the unity in song
Catch the rhythm let your spirit soar

Sunny vibes we ride em all day long
Life is simple when the heart is strong
Feel the peace the unity in song
Sunny vibes they carry us along

And? Do you like the song?

I think it's amazingly good, especially considering that this was my very first attempt with this AI...

The most important thing for me - which is only hidden in the "Terms of Service" for some AIs - songs that you have downloaded (and paid for with song credits) - i.e. unlocked audio content, can be used both privately and commercially:

Audio content which users have "unlocked" by paying with the platform's virtual currency (song credits) can be used for both personal and commercial purposes.

For unlocked audio content, you are granted a license to use such content for both personal and commercial purposes.

How much does a song created with Songer cost?

Basically, you pay with so-called song credits, whereby one song credit is charged for each unlocked song (which you can download in full length).
Song credits are currently available at the following prices:

Songer credits
Song Credits prices, as of early October 2024

Considering that you don't have to worry about the license (copyright), I think the prices are extremely reasonable, but that will surely change soon.
Even if you don't need complete songs... playing around with this AI is really exciting and fascinating.
If you create an account (free!) you can have unlimited songs created - but be careful! The probability that you will want one of the songs you created is quite high...

And here is my second created song:

A little more difficult because I set the song language to German and specified “Volksmusik” as the genre. Yes, “Volksmusik” (in german) and not the English term folk music. In addition to the predefined styles, you can also enter your own style as text and I simply wrote “Volksmusik”. I didn’t think the AI ​​would be able to do anything with that at all – but I was wrong!

My prompt:

A German Oktoberfest song with catchy folk melodies, upbeat rhythms, and festive accordion, celebrating beer, friendship, and good times at the fest.

And here is the amazing result:

“Oktoberfest Glanz”, Volksmusik

Unter weiß-blauen Himmeln so klar
Klingt der Ruf von fern und nah
Brezeln, Bier und heiterer Sinn
Oktoberfest – Wir sind mittendrin

An den Tischen in Reih und Glied
Lachen, Tanzen, Auch ein Lied
Freunde treffen sich Hand in Hand
Das Leben gut Im Feierland

O’zapft is, das Herz so weit
Freundschaft lebt in dieser Zeit
Mit einem Prost und einem Kuss
Oktoberfest, in dir ist’s Genuss

Musikanten spielen auf
Fröhlich klingen sie im Lauf
Akkordeon und Zitherklang
Jeder tanzt und jeder sang

Das Bier fließt golden, so wie der Wein
In diesen Momenten sind wir ganz rein
Das Herz ist leicht, die Sorgen fort
Für heut’ sind wir am schönsten Ort

O’zapft is, das Herz so weit
Freundschaft lebt in dieser Zeit
Mit einem Prost und einem Kuss
Oktoberfest, in dir ist’s Genuss

Unfortunately, the end of this song was cut off and the last few bars were missing. Apparently this is a known error, because there is the option to have a new ending created. You then get two options, from which you can choose one:
Song Ending

It only took a few seconds until the new ending was added to the Oktoberfest song.

So, I'm sure - if you've made it this far, then you'll definitely want to try this AI yourself right away, here's the link:
Songer AI for creating songs1

1 If you sign up for Songer using this link (create an account), I won't get any money, but I will get 2 credits, which I can use on Songer to download a song - thank you!