Music Replay Game

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Repeat the Melody - Replay the Music

Enter your name and choose your language
Train your music memory - keep the tones in your mind!
This Music Replay Game Online is all about listening, reading and playing musical notes. This concentration type game will help you to improve your skills in reading musical notes, hearing the right tune and will also boost your ability of concentration.

How to play 'Music Replay'? Somido music games and apps

Just replay what the app is playing - it's that easy!
But be concentrated - only one error and the game is over!
Listen, watch and remember...

Top 100 - Hall of Fame

After you are done, your name and score will be shown in the Top 100 High Score List
(of course, only if your score was good enough...)
If you did not enter your name - it's time to do so - go to the settings and enter your nickname for the Top 100!


Standard / Advanced

There are two games to choose from:
  I Standard game: Only the treble clef will be used.
  II Advanced game: The treble and the bass clef will be used.
    - each game has its own Top 100 High Score (→ I, → II)

Starting level

You can choose the starting level from 1 to 10
If you want to reach a good score, you should not choose a very high level for starting the game, although there are many more levels than 10, but it's getting hard to reach a good score...

Your name

Enter your nickname before you start the game (only necessary if you would like to see your name in the Top 100 highscore list).


Here you can adjust the volume...

Other Settings

This settings are not used in the game - just for using the keyboard in between, if you want to practise.

Clef Use Treble or Bass clef

Accidentals Use sharps or flats


How ist the score calculated?

For every correct note you get one point - the longer you are concentrated and enter the correct keys, the more points you'll get.

Have fun with this new Music Mind Game Online!
Johannes Kaiser-Kaplaner

'Music Replay Game' is a HTML5 JavaScript Game and should work fine with almost all devices. If you encounter any problem, or if you have an idea to enhance this game - or even an idea for a new game - I would be happy if you get in contact with me.