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Welcome to SoMido!

Music Games and Apps for Fun

On SoMiDo we have some Music Games & Apps for you - learning music online with fun and success!

SoMiDo Music Replay Online Game
Music Replay · improve your skills in reading musical notes 
SoMiDo All Piano Triads
All Triads · listen & see all their notes and keys on the virtual keyboard
SoMiDo All Piano Chords
All Chords · listen & see all the tetrachord notes and keys
Somido Virtual Piano
Virtual Piano · play piano and see the musical notes (treble and bass clef)
Music Memo Game
Musical Pairs · find the matching music 'sounding' pairs
Music Jigsaw Puzzles
Music Jigsaw Puzzles · Composers, the circle of fifths and more...

From time to time, we will publish new online music software and games for you and your students. You can use this software and play the games online just in your browser - no need to download and install.

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